Oracle 19c 2 node RAC to single instance standby database setup


Oracle 19c 2 node RAC to single instance standby database setup: In this article we will discuss about how to setup Oracle 19c 2 node RAC to single instance standby database step by step. Environment Details for both (Primary and Standby): Primary Server side Configurations:- Make sure primary is in archivelog mode: Check FORCE LOGGING … Read more

Create Physical Standby Database Using RMAN Backup and Restore

Create Physical Standby Database Using RMAN Backup and Restore

Step by step guide on how to create a physical standby database using RMAN without using duplicate command. Create a Physical Standby Database Using the RMAN Backup and Restore process.: In this content, you will see and learn how we can Create a Physical Standby Database Using RMAN Backup and Restore. We will performed here … Read more