How to kill a session in Oracle

How to find and kill a session in Oracle: During this article we are going to discuss the way to find and kill Oracle sessions. Many times we are facing issue in Database Level, then we would to check and find out sessions details, how much there are active/inactive/killed sessions and might killed some sessions.

Find and kill a Oracle Session:

You can find out and kill oracle active/inactive/killed session by two ways:

  1. At Database Level.
  2. At OS Level.

Database Level:

We will kill a session at Database Level using sid and serial#. Using below commands we will be told and kill a INACTIVE session:

SQL> set lines 400 pages 400
SQL> col USERNAME for a30
SQL> select USERNAME, SID, SERIAL#, STATUS, SQL_ID from v$session where status='INACTIVE';

USERNAME                              SID    SERIAL# STATUS   SQL_ID
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------- -------------
AKASH                                  12      19428 INACTIVE 3p5u5z1h30d9c
PRASANTA                               13      31126 INACTIVE 195298t344z0t
TEST                                   15      53334 INACTIVE 
ORAKLDBA                               17      50020 INACTIVE 427jx8nd02czs

SQL> select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''' immediate;' from v$session where status='INACTIVE';

alter system kill session '12,19428' immediate;
alter system kill session '13,31126' immediate;
alter system kill session '15,53334' immediate;
alter system kill session '17,50020' immediate;

SQL> alter system kill session '12,19428' immediate;

System altered.


Using below commands we are able to be told and kill a KILLED session:

SQL> set lines 400 pages 400
SQL> col USERNAME for a30
SQL> select USERNAME, SID, SERIAL#, STATUS, SQL_ID from v$session where status='KILLED';

USERNAME                              SID    SERIAL# STATUS   SQL_ID
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------- -------------
AKASH                                564        279 KILLED   3p5u5z1h30d9c
PRASANTA                             683       6167 KILLED   195298t344z0t
ORAKLDBA                            1044       7191 KILLED   427jx8nd02czs

SQL> select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''' immediate;' from v$session where status='KILLED';

alter system kill session '564,279' immediate;
alter system kill session '683,6167' immediate;
alter system kill session '1044,7191' immediate;

SQL> alter system kill session '564,279' immediate;

System altered.


OS Level :

We will killed a session at OS Level using spid. Using below commands we are able to discover spid and kill a INACTIVE session:

SQL> Set lines 400 pages 400
SQL> col sid format 99999
SQL> col username format a30
SQL> col osuser format a30
SQL> select a.sid, a.serial#,a.username, a.osuser, b.spid from v$session a, v$process b
  2  where a.paddr= b.addr
  3  and a.sid in (select a.sid from v$session a, v$sqlarea b, v$process c
  4  where a.sql_address=b.address and a.sql_hash_value=b.hash_value
  5  and a.paddr=c.addr
  6  and a.username is not null
  7  and a.status='INACTIVE');

   SID    SERIAL# USERNAME                       OSUSER                         SPID
------ ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------
  1944       7591 AKASH                          MACHINE-3                      19428
   653       3177 PRASANTA                       PRASANTA-01                    31126
   294        279 ORAKLDBA                       ORAKLDBA                       50020


[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 19428
[oracle@primary ~]$
[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 31126
[oracle@primary ~]$
[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 50020

Using below commands we will understand spid and kill a KILLED session:

SQL> Set lines 400 pages 400
SQL> col sid format 99999
SQL> col username format a30
SQL> col osuser format a30
SQL> select a.sid, a.serial#,a.username, a.osuser, b.spid from v$session a, v$process b
  2  where a.paddr= b.addr
  3  and a.sid in (select a.sid from v$session a, v$sqlarea b, v$process c
  4  where a.sql_address=b.address and a.sql_hash_value=b.hash_value
  5  and a.paddr=c.addr
  6  and a.username is not null
  7  and a.status='KILLED');

   SID    SERIAL# USERNAME                       OSUSER                         SPID
------ ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------
  1944       7591 AKASH                          MACHINE-3                      19428
   653       3177 PRASANTA                       PRASANTA-01                    31126
   294        279 ORAKLDBA                       ORAKLDBA                       50020


[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 19428
[oracle@primary ~]$
[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 31126
[oracle@primary ~]$
[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 50020


When, Database performance is to much slow then user requested to take care for the issue. And requested to kill all inactive sessions which are inactive quite half-hour. During this case you’ll be able to see all inactive sessions using below query :

SQL> Set lines 400 pages 400
SQL> col sid format 99999
SQL> col username format a30
SQL> col osuser format a30
SQL> select a.sid, a.serial#,a.username, a.osuser, b.spid from v$session a, v$process b
  2  where a.paddr= b.addr
  3  and a.sid in (select a.sid from v$session a, v$sqlarea b, v$process c
  4  where a.sql_address=b.address and a.sql_hash_value=b.hash_value
  5  and a.paddr=c.addr
  6  and a.username is not null
  7  and a.last_call_et>(30*60)
  8  and a.status='INACTIVE');

   SID    SERIAL# USERNAME                       OSUSER                         SPID
------ ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------
  1944       7591 AKASH                          MACHINE-3                      19428
   294        279 ORAKLDBA                       ORAKLDBA                       50020


Using sid and serial# you can killed sessions at Database Level. Example:

SQL> alter system kill session '1944,294' immediate;

System altered.


Using spid you can killed sessions at OS Level. Example:

[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 19428
[oracle@primary ~]$
[oracle@primary ~]$ kill -9 50020

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